Professional Trainings

Human Trafficking Training
For Educators, Administration, School Support Staff, Youth-Serving Professionals, and Community Stakeholders
“School personnel are uniquely positioned to identify and report suspected abuse and connect students to services—actions that can prevent trafficking and even save lives,” the U.S. Department of Education stated in its 2015 guide Human Trafficking in America’s Schools.

Human Trafficking 101
Curated Professional Trainings for a Myriad of Professions
Project Protect Our Children is a Texas Education Agency-certified provider of human trafficking training for school district board members, charter school board members, and school officers, and a continuing professional education (CPE) provider for the State of Texas.

Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol
If your District does not have a human trafficking reporting protocol compliant to HB 111 and Texas Administrative Code 61.1051, we have tools to help you. We are also happy to offer our expertise and assistance upon request.