Your contribution helps us accomplish our mission.
We strive to provide our trainings and programs at no charge. We would never want cost to be a factor when it comes to sharing information or knowledge that could save a child’s future. We believe that every child should live a life free from exploitation and abuse and we think preventative education is key.
Could you put a price on a child’s future? We can’t do it without support like yours.

Are you ready to join the fight to end child trafficking, exploitation and abuse?
Our Protect Partners are dedicated to protect those that cannot protect themselves, our children. They understand that a child’s life is priceless and are willing to join a community that believes prevention is the key.

Consider this, with you as our Partner how many lives could we impact? How many futures could we save?
Become a Monthly Giving Protect Partner Today

We value every donation and work hard to ensure every dollar is put to work helping others quickly. When we receive your donation, we believe it was your full intention to support our efforts in bringing Human Trafficking Prevention Education to our students and community. Because Project Protect Our Children puts all donations to work quickly, we do not offer refunds on any donations or any donations made as in-kind gifts. Project Protect Our Children is a 501c3 NonProfit. All of your donations are tax deductible.